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*juice cleanses are available for next day pickup between 12pm - 2pm


Juice Cleanses

Our Juice cleanses come with 5 juices per day (one of each juice, or choose your own combination!). We only do juice cleanses up to 3 days to ensure that you are consuming only the most fresh and nutrient available juices. After 3 days, fresh juice will lose some of the cleansing properties you're here for! 



Green Bully

Green drink for the win! Packed with vitamins and minerals + the detoxing goodness of dark leafy greens. This is your go to gut reset & health drink. it also tastes pretty good! Our most popular for a reason!

  • Kale

  • Parsley

  • Celery

  • Cucumber

  • Green Apple

  • Lime Ginger

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Clean it up

Clean it up the right way. Dark leafy greens, fresh lemon juice and some carbs in the form of natural sugars from pineapple and orange. This juice is refreshing, hydrating and delicious. 

  • Orange

  • Pineapple

  • Parsley

  • Cucumber

  • Lemon

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The Cure

This is your digestion and health booster. Spicy fresh ginger, keratin rich carrots and hydrating celery and cucumber. Feeling a little tickle or something upsetting your stomach? Try this out, or make sure to incorporate in your juice cleanse!

  • Pineapple

  • Carrot

  • Celery

  • Cucumber

  • Ginger

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Big Melons

Hydration is the name of the game with this one. Three types of melons, fresh lime juice and mint make this one very refreshing drink. With the addition of pink sea salt for hydration retention and electrolytes. 

  • Watermelon

  • Honeydew

  • Cantaloupe

  • Lime

  • Mint

  • Sea Salt

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Healing Vibes

Did you know beets can help fight inflammation, increase endurance when exercising and even help regulate blood pressure? This is one of our most popular and favorite juices. Definitely make sure to include one or more of these when building your juice cleanse!

  • Carrot

  • Apple

  • Beets

  • Lemon

  • Ginger




*2 - 3 days before cleansing


Get the most out of your cleanse by prepping with a low inflammatory, clean diet. If you can, start to eat clean two to three (or more) days in advance of your cleanse to prepare your body. BE INTENTIONAL - Journal about your goals, set intentions, meditate or just clear your mind of distractions. Juice cleanses require commitment!


We recommend a FODMAP or Macro Diet to help clean your gut and prepare it for the low fiber, liquid diet that constitutes a juice cleanse. Also, consuming fermented foods like kimchi, kombucha and sauerkraut are great ways to boost your gut health. 



Drink 8 to 12 glasses filtered water daily, supplementing with curcumin, magnesium and a light multivitamin is ok. 

Try to avoid these when possible


  • Alcohol

  • Coffee and caffeinated drinks

  • Soft drinks

  • Fatty Red meat

  • Cured or processed meat (bacon, sausages, and the like)

  • Non organic/grass fed beef, pork and chicken

  • Processed White flour products

  • Foods containing hydrogenated fats and preservatives

  • Refined sugars

  • Artificial sweeteners

  • Dairy

  • Fried foods



For the one to three days of the actual cleanse, it is recommended to drink at least 32 ounces of juice or smoothie - we recommend grabbing a couple of our smoothie kits HERE to help stave off hunger during your juice cleanse journey! 


*We recommend you drink your juices slowly. Take note of the goodness your are delivering to your body and savor every sip!


Here's a sample schedule for you Juice Cleanse: 

When you wake up 

Warm filtered water with a squeeze of fresh organic lemon juice​

8–9 a.m.

Juice - Green Bully

10:30–11:30 a.m.

Juice - The Cure

1–2 p.m.

Juice - Big Melons 

3–4 p.m.

Juice - Healing Vibes juice

5–6 p.m.

Juice - Clean it Up

6–8 p.m.

Smoothie or almond or cashew nut "milk" - we recommend any of our Smoothie kits (Except, maybe the Daily Buzz ;))

Smoothies and vegan food can be included or substituted in more gentle juice cleanses. Room temperature or lukewarm water may be consumed between each juice or meal to promote digestion.


Good Foods


Almond milk


Vegan meals - avoiding gluten


Light broth (veggie recommended)


Raw veggies to snack on.



Once the fast is over, it is recommended to eat ‘light’ for a few days, gradually adding foods back in over the course of several days. We recommend a 3-day ramp up of foods, starting with light and gentle foods (greens, light salads, juices and smoothies) and ending with a light vegetarian or vegan diet incorporating grains, light spice and light proteins/eggs if necessary.



While the fast is designed to improve health, you might not feel your best during. Cleansing your body can be 


Stick to Light Physical Activity: While it’s a good idea to tone down your exercise routine during a juice cleanse, normal activity such as walking can help to boost mood, blood flow and digestion. Consider Booking a massage, finally starting your meditation practice and keeping a journal of your moods, thoughts and feelings.

Quck Guide
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